In the competitive career college field, HBI has always placed among the top choices for second career education. Determined to be number one, HBI worked with Persona to create the ultimate Hero Power Persona for HBI, following Persona Principle methods.
HBI’s clever logo carries the flavour of solidity and leadership but with a touch of “technology” flare.
The logo is rendered in brown and red, the colour palette of the Hero Power Persona mapped out in Persona’s famous Persona Principle Image-Marketing methodology. The concept of Power Personas is based in extensive research that indicates there can only be five key brands in a niche: Emperor, Hero, Expert, Buddy and Simpatico. Here, the Hero Power Persona is chosen because HBI leads with innovative methods of teaching and a state-of-the art campus.
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- technology company
- Anderson Lyall Consulting Group
- Appletree Natural Food
- Autism Canada
- Bogner’s Café Record Label
- Buy & Sell
- Castek Enterprise Software
- CCNS The Information Place
- Comvestigate
- My Decker Capitals
- freedom9
- Governor’s Hill, affluent condominum from Tridel
- HBI College
- Hoover & Nebrig Consulting
- LIFT Award
- Paris Air Show
- Profile Investigation
- Regional Cablesystems
- The Richmond, downtown living from Tridel
- School Voyageurs
- Smart Vitamins from Jamieson
- Urban Warrior
- Voice IQ software
- Winston Academy
- World Preferred